Hycom Frontends:
frontend stack for composable digital experiences

Hycom Frontends is our technological toolkit accelerating delivery of modern frontend applications for headless solutions.

Accelerate delivery

Hycom Frontends stands on modern, production-proven tools and architectural patterns.

It helps to quick-start your touchpoint by offering:

  • reference apps for web & mobile e-commerce storefronts, portals, self-service, back-office frontends,

  • a comprehensive UI Library of well designed components,

  • ready-made API integrations.

Be future-proof and risk-free

Thanks to composable architecture we provide reliability, scalability and performance out-of-the-box.

Upgrades or replacement of integrated backend systems can be done without putting any risk on the frontend thanks to the unified data model that our proprietary middleware component provides.

We offer multiple infrastructure & delivery models - GCP, Azure or on-premise.

The planned roadmap of our platform ensures stability and future updates.

Extend your business capabilities 

You can take profit from flexibility that Hycom Frontends & its architecture provide by connecting new APIs to extend your system with further capabilities.

We also provide integrations with best-of-breed solutions (e-commerce, SAP ERP, PIM, CPQ, CRM, AI Chatbot, CMS) that can seamlessly enhance your business capabilities.

As part of Prosperer Platform we deliver components extending beyond traditional B2B solutions with self-service and after-sales modules.


Web storefront

Next.js based PWA frontend provides strong foundation for great user experience.

It is completely independent of backend APIs, supports server-side rendering for best SEO, great performance and accessibility for disabled users.​​

API Composition

Our solution consists of an API integration layer that unifies the data model from all integrated APIs and helps to handle many touchpoints in the future.

With the dedicated backend service you can easily integrate APIs and expose its aggregated data & logic to any touchpoint.​

UI Library

We provide a vast library of responsive React-based UI components so that you can freely use them to extend the UI, build any new touchpoints or use in your existing React apps.​​
Thanks to tools like Storybook or bit.dev we make component’s reuse easier.

Native mobile touchpoints

Need more than a PWA? ​True push notifications or other native capabilities?​

We can provide native apps covering all features of the web touchpoint and extend it with any mobile native feature. ​ ​

Web Storefront

  • User-facing PWA app running in the browser and rendered on the server with Next.js

  • Mobile native-like experience

  • Performant, accessible, SEO-optimized

  • It is decoupled from the backend not only in terms of source code – it is backend agnostic thanks to “composable” architecture design and use of the backend for frontend pattern.

API Composition

  • Backend component responsible for integration of APIs/services

  • Normalizes the data model used by the Storefront making it backend agnostic

  • Exposes the data back to front-end apps

  • Allows for easy extension of the whole system and gives the ability to connect any API

UI Library

Library of responsive and accessible UI components used to build frontend app’s interface. With its use, it is possible to more easily and quickly extend the frontend with new features while maintaining UI and UX consistency.