Digital Commerce & Service

We can speed up your digital business with technology which is built to reach your ambitions and delight customers making their experience easy and driving loyalty. We are experienced in building best-fitted, trusted, scalable and efficient platforms for the business. 

Omnichannel Digital Platforms

Hycom delivers omnichannel platforms for digital business. Flexible, decoupled, service-oriented architectures allow build platform with myriad of digital touchpoints and variuos services. We use microservices and cloud technologies to drive personalized commerce and service which adapts to and influences real journeys of customers.

We are building digital platforms on technologies from: AWS, Moltin, Synerise,

eCommerce B2B and B2C

Hycom is specialized in delivering most complex e-commerce solutions. Every product catalog, processes of any complexity and scaling and availability requirements are welcome. We use scalable commerce platforms from technology leaders to deliver robust, large scale, reliable B2B platforms and B2C. We are specialized in platforms which sell services and physical products in omnichannel model.

We deliver self-service solutions using technologies from: Enterprise Java and SAP.

Digital Self Service

Hycom team has deep expertise in digital self-service as an author of solutions for telecommunication, energy and financial institutions. Beside traditional self-service function related to payments it can support various business activities like customer retention, sales from service, self-problem solving. 

We deliver e-commerce solutions using technology from: Enterpise Java and SAP

Digital Touchpoints

Hycom brings best customer experiences available to digital customer. We design user experience and build web applications, mobile applications, chatbots and components to any other digital touchpoint.

We use most current front-end technologies and cutting-edge design to bring the best experiences to customers.

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