
Tomasz Skonieczny

Technical Expert

  • eCommerce

  • Self-service

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  • Customer experience

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After-sales – when eCommerce is just the beginning


Tomasz Skonieczny

Technical Expert

Build Loyalty and Drive Revenue

After-sales is a strategic point of development in business-to-business (B2B) commerce and represents a crucial area that is often underestimated yet can significantly impact a company's success. Most of the enterprises are already on their way to digitalization of the business: they have a mature eCommerce solution in place, CRM or even PIM/PXM (Product Information/Experience Management) integrated all together. That is just a good starting point. Nowadays modern enterprises are increasingly aware of the value of maintaining long-term relationships with customers. Adequate post-purchase support can build trust, loyalty, and a positive brand reputation. This means not only providing technical support or resolving issues but also offering advisory services, training, or additional solutions. Customer-care after the sale thus becomes an integral part of the business strategy, leading not only to increased customer loyalty but also to generation of additional revenue and acquiring new clients through positive recommendations.

Ensuring Customer Satisfaction

Clients engage with a B2B partnership based on the perceived value they anticipate from your service. Failure to uphold these expectations can result in a substantial risk of losing clients to competitors.

In today's digital landscape, where online feedback and discourse reign supreme, any deviation from meeting these expectations could harm your brand's image irreparably. Therefore, it's essential to have a clear understanding of these expectations and to uphold exemplary standards. Let me give you few inspirations that are expected to become such future standards.

01 Installation services

Certain products, typically devices, require specialized installation before they can be utilized. In such instances, a positive indicator is when a company equips customer with either user-friendly manuals enabling self-installation or enables installation assistance. The optimal scenario is when an organization offers this service either free of charge or at minimal expense. Let's consider a scenario where your company specializes in solar panel manufacturing and distribution. In this case, providing panels installation as an added benefit to your clients contributes to an excellent after-sales service.

02 Straightforward spare parts ordering

Buying spare parts by your customers can be a process creating the most frustration and most time consuming for them. That is why it holds immense significance in eCommerce, particularly in industries reliant on machinery and equipment for operations. Whether it's manufacturing, construction, or any other sector, the availability of spare parts directly impacts the efficiency and continuity of business operations. However, navigating the complexities of spare parts procurement can often be daunting and time-consuming for buyers.

One of the primary challenges in spare parts procurement is accurately identifying the required components, especially for complex machinery with numerous interconnected parts. Traditional methods often involve sifting through manuals or catalogs, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors. By integrating graphical 2D and 3D representations into the B2B ecommerce platform, buyers gain a visual aid that simplifies the identification process. They can visually inspect the machinery, rotate, zoom in on specific components, and easily pinpoint the parts they need, reducing the risk of ordering incorrect items. This not only facilitates more informed purchasing decisions but also instills confidence in the accuracy of the spare parts being ordered.

Leveraging graphical 2D and 3D representations of devices and machines together with integrated search functionalities can revolutionize the process, making it more customer-friendly and reducing frustration.

Inspirational example from https://www.boschtoolservice.com/

03 Augmented Reality (AR)

Let's use the previously mentioned example of solar panels to illustrate another scenario: Augmented Reality (AR). This technology has the capability to provide real-time guidance to technicians during the installation process. For example, technicians can view a visual overlay indicating the precise locations for each panel, the routing paths for wiring, and receive troubleshooting tips if they encounter any difficulties. Essentially, it's like having an interactive manual overlaid directly onto the job site.

Companies can greatly enhance the installation experience of their products by leveraging existing 3D product models originally created for 3D spare parts buying processes by integrating augmented reality (AR) technology into their e-commerce and self-service platforms. With access to accurate 3D models of their products, customers can visualize how the products will fit into their existing infrastructure before making a purchase decision or as part of after-sales processes like installations. AR can overlay these 3D models onto real-world environments, allowing customers to see exactly how the product will look and function once installed. This not only reduces the risk of following incorrect installation procedures but above all eases installation process by providing step-by-step guidance and visual aids. This in turn enhances customer satisfaction, reduces returns, and increases overall efficiency in B2B e-commerce transactions.

Visualization of 3D solar panel setup using Augmented Reality

04 Customer loyalty through training and support

By offering comprehensive training sessions and dependable support services, manufacturing companies can raise customer satisfaction and loyalty. These initiatives not only empower customers to make the most of their purchased devices and products but also mitigate operational errors and minimize downtime, thus directly enhancing customer productivity and profitability.

The significance of training and support goes beyond mere technical instruction and issue resolution. They serve as avenues to cultivate deeper connections with customers and gain insights into their evolving requirements. This insight, in turn, can inform future product enhancements and service advancements, enabling manufacturers to remain attuned to market dynamics.

Furthermore, exemplary training and support services can set manufacturers apart in a competitive landscape. They play a pivotal role in shaping a positive brand perception and may sway potential customers when considering future purchases.


In a market where customer experience reigns supreme, prioritizing after-sales services is no longer optional—it's imperative for sustained success and continued relevance. As businesses embrace this paradigm shift, they position themselves not just as sellers of products but as partners in their customers' success stories, ensuring mutual growth and prosperity in the digital age!

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