
Sebastian Nowak

IT Architect

  • AI

Hy Assistant - a scalable, intelligent assistant in your call center


Sebastian Nowak

IT Architect

Hy Assistant is an intelligent AI assistant that improves efficiency and reduces costs in your call center and supports 57 languages.

Imagine having a call center employee who is fluent in 57 languages. He doesn't require extensive training, because all you have to do is provide him with documents in any format such as PDF, DOC, MD or HTML so that he can effectively assimilate the necessary information. This employee doesn't feel fatigue and doesn't need breaks, handling requests without limits.

We're talking about Hy Assistant, an intelligent assistant developed by Hycom that uses advanced artificial intelligence technologies, based on models provided by OpenAI and Microsoft Azure.

With Hy Assistant, you can optimize customer service by harnessing the power of AI. Its natural language processing capabilities and extensive integration capabilities with third-party systems make it an exceptional support for daily work, without the need for a large team.

Artificial intelligence in customer service

The global AI market for call centers is estimated to reach $7.5 billion by 2030. Already, customer service agents report that AI has reduced the time it takes to handle calls by 60%. On average, one agent receives 41 calls per day, many of which relate to simple inquiries about checking a balance or account number.

Automating these processes, supported by AI, can improve help desk efficiency by about 30%.

Projections say that 75% of companies plan to invest in customer service automation using artificial intelligence. The question to ask yourself is: is your company among them?

Hy Assistant - intelligent knowledge management

Hy Assistant is built on the Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) architecture and Azure OpenAI services - this enables the creation of a custom dynamic knowledge base.

Documents in PDF, DOC, MD, HTML formats can be indexed in a hybrid way - semantically, in vectors and by keywords.

This makes it possible to intelligently search knowledge resources that are available in any of 57 languages, or even mixtures of them.

Each file is divided into smaller fragments, which are described using multidimensional vectors, representing meanings at different levels of understanding of reality. This approach allows Hy Assistant to efficiently retrieve the content necessary for Hy Assistant's answers, and the GPT model interprets users' questions by processing the relevant knowledge chunks in the context of the conversation at hand.

Advanced security and content moderation

Hy Assistant not only searches knowledge bases, but also applies moderation filters using mechanisms available in Azure OpenAI.

As a result, the assistant only answers questions for which it finds relevant information in private knowledge resources, preventing random or unwanted answers.

When a user asks questions of a general or inappropriate nature, the system blocks inappropriate content.

In addition to this, Hy Assistant can be integrated with any external API, allowing it to directly retrieve information from external systems, among others:

Account balance

Invoices to be paid

Product data

Artificial intelligence recognizes whether the resources needed for the answer are available in the knowledge base or whether it is necessary to use an external system.

As a result, the answers will always be accurate and up-to-date.

Serving customers who prefer voice interactions

Many people contact call centers because they don't want to or can't use other communication channels (such as the Internet). They feel like simply making a phone call - saying what they are interested in and then getting an answer.

That's why Hy Assistant has been integrated with advanced artificial intelligence models like Whisper, which converts speech to text with impressive accuracy in 57 languages. Responses are generated and read by available neural voices, enabling natural voice interaction.

What's more, Hy Assistant can be enhanced with an avatar that visualizes responses in a form resembling a real person. In addition, it is possible to create a unique avatar that speaks with your voice.


In a situation where you don't need the voice function, it can be turned off, leaving only text support.

Application possibilities for Hy Assistant

Hy Assistant maintenance costs

Hy Assistant's maintenance costs are significantly lower compared to traditional call center employees. With an average cost per AI call of only €0.03, the solution proves to be extremely economical. Hy Assistant is able to replace seven call center employees, generating a monthly cost of €184.80, making it up to 85 times cheaper than a human employee in Germany.

Call center statistics

Cost of maintaining call center employees

Comparison of call center and AI Assistant maintenance costs


Hy Assistant is an advanced tool that significantly increases efficiency and reduces costs in the customer service area. Its natural language processing capabilities, integration with external systems and customizability to meet specific needs make it a future-proof solution, ready to be implemented in any company that relies on modern, intelligent customer service.

To sum up, Hy Assistant is about:


Cheaper than a worker in Germany


Cheaper than a worker in Poland


Cheaper than a worker in India

Hy Assistant - FAQ

What are the most common questions and answers about Hy Assistant?

1. how does Hy Assistant process documents?

Hy Assistant can process documents in PDF, DOC, MD and HTML formats. The system divides documents into smaller chunks, which are described using multidimensional vectors. This enables quick and efficient retrieval of information in the knowledge base.

2. can Hy Assistant handle questions outside my knowledge base?

Hy Assistant only answers questions that it can find answers to in your private knowledge base. For general or inappropriate questions, Hy Assistant uses moderation filters to limit access to information that is not relevant.

3. How does Hy Assistant handle voice interactions?

Hy Assistant processes speech to text, and the responses generated by the GPT model are read by one of many neural voices. With this technology, the user has the chance to take full advantage of voice functions without the need for text support.

4. What are the financial benefits of using Hy Assistant?

Hy Assistant significantly reduces customer service costs. The cost of one call with AI is only €0.03, making this solution many times cheaper than traditional call center employees. This allows you to reduce expenses while increasing operational efficiency.