Implementation of Commercetools

Hycom is the partner of ​choice for designing modern composable commerce solutions​

  • Active partnership​ with commercetools since 2020​ ​
  • Experienced team ​of engineers who did complex and large-scale commerce solutions​ ​
  • Rapid implementation ​of thanks to composable approach​ ​
  • Lean, customer-centric Implementation methods that allow bringing values fast​

The commercetools platform is designed from​ the ground up for creating customer experiences of today and tomorrow​

Scalability ​
and flexibility ​

Break down technology barriers and allow to shape business ​to be easily adaptable to ​market changes​

Faster ​
and easier ​

Collaboration between teams allows ideas to be shared ​more fluid and campaigns implemented faster ​for business success​

Makes business look, feel and function on-brand​

To deliver a shopping experience that’s most desired by your customers and helps capture ​
the most sales​

MACH architecture​

MACH architecture supports a composable enterprise ​in which every component ​is pluggable, scalable, replaceable, and can be continuously improved through agile development to meet evolving business requirements.​


Individual pieces of business functionality that are independently developed, deployed, and managed


All functionality is exposed through an API


The solution leverages the cloud, beyond storage and hosting, including elastic scaling and automatically updating. ​


Front-end presentation is decoupled from back-end logic ​and channel, programming language, and is framework agnostic

Composable Commerce – ​ modern approach to e-commerce​

Commercetools goals​


Empower the business users ​to make changes to their digital strategy, enable new business models and create unique experiences without heavy reliance on IT​

Modular ​

Support more agile delivery, faster time to market, ​and improved customer experiences across all ​devices and touchpoints​

Open ​

Assemble a best-of-breed solution using various accelerators, 3rd party applications, pre-composed solutions, and a library ​of best practices​

Hycom advantages

Accelerate business

  • Cooperate closely with our customers to select the most suitable components for Composable Commerce architecture​

  • Updating our reference architectures, based on experiences from new clients and our internal research activities, to keep them up-to-date​

Improve CX​

  • Ready-to-use design components help to provide top customer experience across all channels​

  • Expertise in the omnichannel to provide actionable recommendations for your business processes​


Proven, user-centric framework to explore new business opportunities and validate the ideas quickly, and at a low cost​

Cooperation models

Our specialists ​
in your development team​

  • Our specialists join ​customer teams​

  • We support the client with ​new technology and products​

  • We promote the agile delivery model and Scrum framework​

We build development teams in your organization structure ​

  • We build cross-competence teams according to client's needs​

  • We contribute to Scrum implementation in the organization with our knowledge and experience​

We deliver solution ​
with our complete ​
Scrum team​

  • We introduce the client ​to Agile mindset​

  • We set up Scrum framework and support product owner​

  • We deliver the final product with a transition to production​

  • We incorporate client own specialists into the Scrum team, developing their knowledge and skills​

Hycom helps customers meet their goals ​and overcome challenges in the area of Commerce​

Reduced TCO

Vendors of large commerce platforms require a payment for features that are not used

Omnichannel​ customer experience

Inconsistent customer journeys across channels that were not designed as API-first

Faster time-to-market

Monolithic applications slow down delivering new business features

Start successful digital project now

  • Rolf



    Head of Manufacturing and Distribution Sector

  • Maciej



    Head of Energy & Utilities Sector

Let’s talk! Contact us or schedule a demo!

  • Initial analysis of business processes in your company.
  • Determining the optimal scope of implementation Prosperer functionalities.
  • Initial cost estimation of potential implementation.
  • Includes 1 Demo and FitGap Analysis