Customer Service portal and mobile app for the Energy and Utilities

Reduce service costs - let your customers handle their requests online. Use a composable platform pre-integrated with the SAP ecosystem, including S/4HANA for Utilities and SAP Sales Cloud.

Satisfied customers

Lower cost-to-serve

Rapid business results


Digitize requests to cut service costs

By digitizing payment, invoice, and customer data management tasks, you can significantly reduce customer service costs, allowing your team to focus on more complex issues.

Improve customer service levels

Encourage customers to use self-service channels for a smoother experience, improved satisfaction, and faster handling times.

Engage and support your customers in challenging energy situations

Motivate your customers to set personal energy goals and manage their power consumption. Provide advice, recommendations, education, and timely notifications to support them.

All product lines in one unified platform

B2C and B2B customers appreciate the convenience of self-service. Consolidating all Energy and Utility product lines into one platform offers a streamlined and improved customer experience.

Rapid results with a flexible business and IT solution

Ready components and extensive SAP integration ensure smooth, fast implementation. The composable platform allows customization at all levels to address new requirements and challenges in the energy transformation.

Check how Enyu can help your business

Key features

All products and services in one place for every customer

  • Electricity, gas, district heating, and water supply services are accessible together with distributed energy resources like PV, storage, and e-mobility offering

  • Supplementary offers like broadband, and other telecom services

  • For both: B2B and B2C accounts

  • Multiple touchpoints: portal, self-service, mobile apps

  • Backoffice for consultants included

Targets for energy consumption and real-time reports

  • Smart meter data with real-time reports on the consumption

  • Automatic reminders to update manual readings if applicable

  • Individual consumption goals with notifications

Customer-specific push notifications and Information

  • Reminders on upcoming payments

  • Notifications on maintenance breaks

  • Help in case of outages and failures

  • Cross-selling other products and services

Report cases to your customer service team

  • Customer service agent mode for assisted help

  • Reporting cases and requests to be handled directly by the customer service team agents

Enyu is available on SAP Store!

Composable MACH architecture provides flexibility and a consistent omnichannel experience

Ready to maximize your IT solutions? Schedule a free consultation today!