Discover new opportunities for Utilities

How to create new revenue and descrease your cost of operations

You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work backwards to the technology. You can’t start with the technology and try to figure out where you’re going to sell it.

Steve Jobs

How modern energy and utility companies use digital technologies to generate new growth and value?

Every utility and energy company strategically think how to cut the cost of serving the clients and increase the turnover.  

The first step before making a big investment like building a customer portal, should be to understand your customer needs and respond to their desired experiences.

To build a fundament for this you only need to invest six weeks of your involvement.

After this 6 week you will be able to make up your own mind why a composable customer portal which is simple, predictive, proactive, responsive, and built on customer-centric foundations and empowered by top technology, is your solution of creating new revenue and decreasing your cost of operations.

Can it really pay off for me - you may ask?
Here you will find a very simple but illustrative calculation.

Are you curious how much opportunity there is for your company? Talk to us to calculate it for you and let us discuss when to start the six weeks project!

  • Rafał




  • Jörg



    Utilities & Energy Expert

About Hycom delivers top class customer experience in digital channels for sales, customer service and customer engagement. Our ecommerce and self-service portals and mobile apps are used by more than 70 million users across Europe. We help such brands as Deutsche Telekom, Innogy, Fortum, PGiNG, Orange, Bosch to achieve their strategic business goals in digital ecosystem.